
It’s Publication Day! Blood Torn by @ShelleyWilson72 is here! #YA #VampireSeries #newrelease

It’s finally arrived!

Today is the publication day of BLOOD TORN


I’m so happy to share book two in my Immortals Series and the conclusion to Emma’s story. What adventures will she face this time? Early reviews have been fabulous, and I can’t wait to hear what you all think of this story.

“a must-read for fans of paranormal romance and urban fantasy. Wilson’s skilful storytelling and vivid imagination shine through on every page, making this novel an unforgettable and immersive experience.” – Goodreads Reviewer

If you love your vampire stories with plenty of action, then you’ll love Blood Torn. Scroll down for a sneak peek of the opening scene.

Blood Torn Book Blurb

Dying opened up a whole new world for Emma. A world of vampire gifts, cravings, and betrayal. Now a vital member of the team, Emma and her friends are hunting down the vampire responsible for the downfall of the Haven: her sister.

Emma knew it wouldn’t be easy, but the challenges soon become too much. Determined to destroy her sister and end the war between the Immortals and the half-blood rogues, Emma seeks out the imposing Astley brothers, Henry and Charles, hoping to form an alliance with the Immortal family.

As Emma is drawn deeper into the dark world of the Astley’s estate, she begins to question if the brothers are truly her allies or if they have a secret agenda – one that will put everything she loves at risk.

Grab your copy of BLOOD TORN from your favourite retailer.

Sneak Peek at the opening of Blood Torn

The dagger flew through the air, slamming into the target with a resounding thud that echoed through the wooded glade.
Emma didn’t hesitate and threw dagger after dagger, each blade finding its place in a neat line down the trunk of the old oak.
“What’s that poor tree ever done to you?” Kai sauntered into the clearing and propped himself against one of the tall pine trees circling the edge of the area. The crunch of fallen pine needles beneath his boots cut through the silence of the forest.
Emma ignored his quip and gathered her daggers from the trunk.
“Is this it then?” Kai continued. “You’re going to keep isolating yourself out here in the woods and blaming yourself for everything?”
“I am to blame for everything,” Emma snapped, securing her blades into the close-fitting jacket she wore. The days of wearing comfortable clothing had gone. These days her attire consisted of old army surplus uniforms. It’s what Amelia wore, and if she was going to kill her sister, she would have to act, think, and look like
her target.
“It’s my fault that Flora and Jess died,” she muttered. “And it’s my fault Thomas is dead. Nothing you say will change that.”
Kai pushed himself off his leaning post and walked across the clearing to inspect the deep grooves in the trunk of the oak. With a satisfied grunt he moved to stand in front of her.
“This war began long before you were born, Emma. It was started by Immortal families who got out of control, and we”—he waved his hand between them—“are going to make it right so that all the halfbloods are safe in this world.”
Panic began rising in Emma’s chest. The anxiety attacks had been coming more often, but so far she had managed to contain them to when she was alone. Standing here, in front of Kai, she worried about falling apart.
She took a deep breath and looked up at Kai. “None of us are safe while Amelia is still in this world.”

Discover Emma’s full story with Blood Born (Book 1 of the Immortals Series)

5 thoughts on “It’s Publication Day! Blood Torn by @ShelleyWilson72 is here! #YA #VampireSeries #newrelease”

  1. I’m late to this, Shelley, so publication day probably feels like a distant(ish) memory. Hope the launch went well, and hope all is well with you. Feels like a long time since we last saw each other (probably because it is!)


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