Authors, Fiction, The Writing Process, Writing, Young Adult

Guest Interview: Meet Helen Boswell #YA & #NA Author


Today I am joined by Helen Boswell, author of the Mythology Series.

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The Fun Five:

  1. What part of the world do you come from? I’m originally from upstate New York (Albany and Buffalo), but I currently live in sunny south western Utah. Quite a change, but I love the mountains and endless blue skies of the west.
  2. What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a doctor! I scrapped that plan sometime when I was in college, though I went ahead and got my Ph.D. in Biological Sciences. So I suppose I’m still a doctor, just not the type that can prescribe drugs 🙂
  3. List three words to describe yourself. I’M ALL IN. Ha – you were probably looking for three separate words, but this exemplifies me. When I decide I want to put my time and effort into doing something, I’m all in.
  4. Who would play you in a film about your life? Tough one! I’ll say Zhang Ziyi, who is most noted for her roles in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Memoirs of a Geisha.
  5. Who is your favourite author? Ooh, this is too tough for me to answer! I suppose I don’t have one particular favorite author. I tend to fall in love with stories and have my favorite stories. How unsatisfying of an answer is that? 🙂

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The Sensible Six:

  1. What inspired you to write your first book? Technically, the first book I ever wrote was a nonfiction book about the conflict between science and religion, and I was inspired to write that by my students. My first novel was my YA paranormal novel MYTHOLOGY, and I think my character Jonathan came to life in my head first. He’s my 500 year old guardian dark angel trapped in a teenager’s body. Jonathan evolved into a secondary character until the third and last book of the trilogy, but he’s always been one of my favorites ❤
  2. What made you choose to write for YA/NA? I love writing about both of these stages of life. They were the toughest times for me in my life for a variety of reasons, and I enjoy the challenge of writing characters and their growth through those tough times.
  3. I am so excited about the release of The Eternal, book three in your YA Mythology Series, tell us a little about what we can expect from Micah, Jonathan and Hope this time. Thank you, Shelley! You are so kind. This story is told from the alternating perspectives of Micah and Jonathan. The boys run the show this time, and their parallel stories are all about learning to trust. And saving the world from evil mythological entities, of course. (cover picture attached)
  4. Your NA Second Chances Series is set in Las Vegas, of all the cities you have lived in, why did you choose Las Vegas for this series? I used to spend my summers in Las Vegas, and it was a natural backdrop for this particular series. It’s a city that has a glittery facade but there are lots of darker stories lying beneath. The first book in the series (Losing Enough) is loosely based upon the life of someone close to me who was a high roller for 25 years.
  5. What can we expect from you in the future? I’m currently working on the second book of the Second Chances Series (Scars Run Deep), which should be out later this year. I also have in the works a NA paranormal that starts with the story of my main character’s brother (Davis) from the MYTHOLOGY series, and features witches and other fun paranormal elements. Right now it is planned as a novella, but I can never seem to keep my stories short, so it may be a full-length novel when it’s all done. (cover pictures attached)
  6. How can we contact you or find out more about your books? You can find out the latest news on my website or FB pages! Thank you for the fun interview questions, Shelley! Best to you with all of your writing!

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Find all of Helen’s books on her Amazon Page –

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