Book Reviews, Friday Five Challenge, Fun Stuff, Non Fiction

BUY or PASS? Looking at Diet Books for the #FridayFiveChallenge


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Welcome to the ‘Friday Five Challenge.’

Would you BUY or PASS if you had only a thumbnail image and five minutes to decide?

Welcome to the #FridayFiveChallenge. The original idea comes from Rosie Amber, and you can join up at

The rules are laid out at the end of this post if you fancy having a go.

Here is my contribution for this week:

Following a wonderfully relaxing holiday in Italy, I am ready and raring to get back to the Friday Five Challenge. It was an easy choice for me this week. After eating my way around Lake Garda, I opted for, ‘Diet Books’.

As tempting as it was to choose the, ‘How To Lose 100lb in a week’ type of book, I decided to look out for a no fuss, easy option style. This is when I spotted, Mediterranean Diet Recipes by Sara Banks.



ARE YOU READY TO EXPERIENCE AMAZING WEIGHT LOSS AND IMPROVED HEALTH BENEFITS OF THE POPULAR MEDITERRANEAN DIET? Thousands of people including top celebrities have taken advantage of this popular diet and lifestyle for decades. This diet provides many amazing benefits for your body such as weight loss, reduced blood pressure and heart disease, reduced risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and it also fights some forms of cancer. Inside this book “Mediterranean Diet Recipes-42 Amazing Mediterranean Diet Recipes For Weight Loss” you will learn more about why the Mediterranean Diet is one of the leading diets worldwide that gets you the weight loss results you desire. You will also get 42 delicious top recipes for weight loss ranging from breakfast to snacks and everything in between. You will even get a great 7 day meal plan to follow as a guide! This book has everything you need to get you going on your way to amazing health and weight loss. So download it now to get started. You will LOVE the recipes!

Here Is A Preview Of What Is Inside This Recipe Book…

  • What Is Mediterranean Diet?
  • Mediterranean Diet And Weight Loss
  • Facts And Myths
  • Main Dishes
  • Snacks and Side Dishes
  • Salad Recipes
  • 7 Day Meal Plan
  • Much, Much, More!

Download your copy today! Take action today and get going with some amazing recipes that will help you achieve all of your weight loss and health goals.

My Analysis:

The cover is fairly basic but tells me exactly what I need to know; it’s a diet book with 42 recipes inside that are Mediterranean in origin – perfect. I get to re-create my Italian holiday in the comfort of my home, AND hopefully, lose weight.

The blurb is a bit over-the-top enthusiastic, but then, most diet books have some claim that they are the only one that will work. If you can gloss over that and get to the grit of the book, then it’s easier to see if it will be useful. I do like the idea of a 7-day meal plan as this is where I struggle to maintain a healthy eating regime.

The Stats:

Mediterranean Diet Recipes has 87 pages and is free (the paperback is £4.35). It has received 29 reviews, 22 of these three stars and above.

I glanced over a couple of the reviews, and the consensus was an interesting beginning and nice recipes, even if you aren’t on a diet. The one and two-star reviews seemed unimpressed that the book was American, and, therefore, the ingredients were unattainable, this worried me, so I clicked through to look inside. There are a couple of recipes that show up in the first section, and I know for a fact that I can get all the ingredients from Tesco! Possibly sour grapes on the part of the reviewer (sorry, couldn’t resist!) if they didn’t lose any weight. One reviewer mentioned a lack of a contents page. This could prove to be an issue with a digital copy, as it takes away the ease of finding a recipe. Would it put me off? No, I think I would be willing to give it a try – especially as it’s free. So it’s a BUY from me.

I’ll report back and let you know if it works!

Mediterranean Diet Recipes by Sara Banks –

Be sure to check out who else has taken part in this week’s challenge.

Cathy searches for Salem –

Rosie searches for Spiders! –

Liz checks out non-fiction –

Terry searches for Norfolk titles –


What is the Friday Five Challenge?

In today’s online shopping age, readers often base their buying decisions on small postage stamp size book covers (thumb-nails), a quick glance at the book description and the review. How much time do they spend making that buying decision?

AUTHORS – You often only have seconds to get a reader to buy your book, is your book cover and book bio up to it?

The Challenge is this… IN ONLY FIVE MINUTES…

1) Go to any online book supplier,

2) Randomly choose a category,

3) Speed through the book covers, choose one which has instantly appealed to your eye,

4) Read the book Bio/ Description of this book,

5) If there are reviews, check out a couple,

6) Make an instant decision, would you BUY or PASS?

(then write a little analysis about your decision)


17 thoughts on “BUY or PASS? Looking at Diet Books for the #FridayFiveChallenge”

  1. The cover is so gorgeous that it actually made me salivate, but I’m not very interested in cooking, never manage to stick to set diets, and eat tons of fruit and veg anyway, so I’d pass – though it was a close thing; those veg on the cover….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I liked the fresh food picture on the front and as you say it tells you exactly what you’ll get. The blub does go on, but then non-fiction can need a harder sell. I think I might be tempted to download the free option and then if I felt I needed a hard copy I could decide after that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a good idea, Rosie. I’m not sure if there are pictures inside to compliment the recipes, and I prefer to buy cook books with images. That way I know what it ‘should’ look like, of course, my version rarely looks like the book! 😉


  3. It’s certainly worth downloading it free as I desperately need to do something at the moment to lose some weight and it might give me a few fresh ideas even if I don’t stick to the actual diet – which I won’t! The cover is appetising (sorry!) so it’s a buy from me too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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