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Reader’s Spot – Meet Bookworm and Reviewer, Rosie Amber

Here on the ‘Reader’s Spot’ I share the bookish love of our readers, from young adult to romance, chick-lit to murder mystery.  Whether you are a reader looking for new books, or a writer wondering what your readers want, I hope you find this series enjoyable.

Next up to the Reader’s Spot is Rosie Amber, an avid reader, bookworm and reviewer.

Rosie B&W Soft

  1. What genre do you enjoy reading?

I’m a huge fan of reading and love all sorts of genres. I like to mix them up, but I do have a preference for YA, NA, YA paranormal, most paranormal as long as it doesn’t dip in to Horror (I need to be able to sleep at night). I like a splash of romance and am happy to have it in any of the books I’m reading. I also like to dip into non-fiction, I’ve read some great books about how the Chinese discovered the world way before the European explorers. Plus I do like a spot or two of self-help.

  1. Do you have a favourite author?

Yes, yes and more yeses; I have loads; JK Rowling, Lousie Hay, J.R Rain, Ednah Walters, Sam Cheever, Sue Hewitt, Karen Lynch, Chris Bridge, Terry Tyler, Zee Monodee, Rosemary Gallagher, Monica La Porta, Nora Roberts, Joseph Delaney and many more….

  1. How do you prefer to read your books?

Kindle is great as its light-weight and you can store loads of books on it, but I do also enjoy a paperback, so in answer, I like to mix it up.

  1. Where do you purchase your books?

Amazon for my kindle books and some of my paperbacks, The Works for a bargain book and I also rummage in Charity shops.

  1. Where do you find out about books you read?

Twitter is a fantastic place to meet new authors and find out about books. Blogs. I follow several book bloggers and I’m always looking for recommended books. The rest of the books I read come to me via my own book review blog, to be honest I have more books than I can get to at the moment, which is great for a book worm like me.

  1. Do you have a budget when buying books?

I like a bargain, and I don’t like to pay more than £2.00 for a kindle book, which might sound mean but the market is saturated with books, so it’s a buyer’s paradise. I will pay more for a paperback, I know there are printing costs, for fiction I’ll pay up to £5, non-fiction I will go higher but don’t like to pay over £10.

  1. Do you write a review when you’ve finished reading a book?

99.9% of the time, Yes. The only time I won’t write a review is if I’ve been asked to review the book and it will come in lower than a 3*, then I contact the author with an appraisal. I post my reviews on my blog, Amazon UK & US and Goodreads.

  1. What do you look for in a book?

Oh there’s a million dollar question! I love to be emotionally involved or moved by a book, if I can feel I’m riding along with the characters and am lost in what I’m reading, that’s brilliant. At other times I like to learn something new from a book, like about a place, a time in history, a famous person or anything which leaves me feeling I’ve taken something away from my reading experience.

  1. Where do you like to read?

I have a long list….in bed, in the bath, in the garden (in the summer) in the park, whilst travelling, beside a log fire, with the light pouring in from a window, during a lunch break, during morning coffee, whilst waiting to pick the kids up from school, at the kid’s sports training and matches (when I’m supposed to be watching them – I do get into trouble for this one!) Basically I grab any moment I can, I always take my kindle out and about with me.

  1. What Social Media platforms are you active on?

You can find me on WordPress, on my blog on twitter @rosieamber1 I do have a Facebook page, but don’t use it much, I’m also on Google+

rosie gardening 02 facebook wp

If you are an avid reader and would like to be included in this feature, then please use the ‘say hello’ page to send me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

10 thoughts on “Reader’s Spot – Meet Bookworm and Reviewer, Rosie Amber”

  1. What a nice surprise to see this on Shelley’s blog! Yes, Shelley, can I be on it as well????? Oh yeah – I’ll go and use the proper page, sorry!

    I love how Rosie describes where she reads… all true avid readers have the Kindle always on charge, and paperbacks open and face down around the house… Okay – who’s going to be the first person to name another place we all also read???!!! (I have a Bill Bryson always ready!) No, it won’t be me….!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have a sheaf of bookmarks, and always forget to use them. My paperbacks are always pretty battered from being read in the bath, etc. It’s a sign of love!!! I do read on the Kindle mostly, though. But i shall tell you all this when I do me post – thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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