Books, Fiction, Friday Book Share, Fun Stuff, Reading, Young Adult

#FridayBookShare Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine #YA #Fantasy


I created the Friday Book Share Game to help search for that ideal novel/author.

Anyone can have a go – all you need to do is answer the following questions based on a book you enjoyed reading (old or new) and use the hashtag #FridayBookShare – Simples!

First line of the book.

Recruit fans by adding the book blurb.

Introduce the main character using only three words.

Delightful design (add the cover image of the book).

Audience appeal (who would enjoy reading this book?)

Your favourite line/scene.

Here’s mine:

I’m a huge fan of Rachel Caine, and as the second book in her Great Library series, Paper and Fire has been sitting on my TBR pile for far too long, I thought I’d spur myself on with a recap of book one, Ink and Bone.

First line/s

‘Hold still and stop fighting me,’ his father said, and slapped him hard enough to leave a mark. Jess went quiet. He hadn’t meant to fidget, but the pouch strapped to his bare chest felt hot and dangerous, like some animal that might turn on him and bite.

Recruit fans by adding the book blurb

Rachel Caine rewrites history, creating a dangerous world where the Great Library of Alexandria has survived the test of time.

In 48 AD, a fire set by the troops of Julius Caesar destroyed much of the Great Library of Alexandria. It was the first of several disasters that resulted in the destruction of the accumulated knowledge of the ancient world. But what if the fire had been stopped? What would the Library have become?

Fast forward: the Great Library is now a separate country, protected by its own standing army. It has grown into a vast power, with unquestioned and unrivalled supremacy. Jess Brightwell, seventeen and very smart, with a gift for mechanical engineering, has been sent into the Great Library as a spy for his criminal family.

Magical spells and riots abound in this epic new YA series


Introduce the main characterJess is funny, loyal, and cunning

Delightful Design



Audience appeal Perfect choice for fans of YA fantasy, magic, and the Morganville Vampire Series.

Your favourite line/scene

There was a sudden, audible intake of breath from across the room, and a clatter of utensils on plates, and Jess looked up to see the dark, foreboding presence of Scholar Wolfe in the doorway of their common room. That was bad enough, but behind him loomed Captain Santi, Wolfe’s High Garda shadow. Jess’s fellow postulants had gone very still, and Jess knew why: inside Ptolemy House, they’d always felt free from any interference by authority…until now. Now, it was abundantly clear that Wolfe, or any Library authority, could enter without warning or announcement.

Their home was not their sanctuary.

BUY a copy of Ink and Bone from Amazon UK or Amazon US

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8 thoughts on “#FridayBookShare Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine #YA #Fantasy”

  1. I’ve read both Ink and Bone, and Paper and Fire, and consider them to be among the best books I’ve read in the last two years. I’ve always enjoyed Rachel Caine’s Urban Fantasy and YA books, but these two top them all. She is an amazing writer, and every character is beautifully drawn and realized. The world building is second to none, and the plot, simply wonderful. While I like the cover pictured here, this time the U. S. covers are much more dramatic, and to my mind, works of art in and of themselves. In other words, I would have bought the books just to display them on my shelves. Gorgeous.

    Can’t recommend these books enough!!

    Liked by 1 person

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