Blogging, Fun Stuff, Social Media

Christmas Tag #Festive #Fun

Christmas Tag

I spotted this fabulously festive post on Deb’s World and thought it would be great fun to join in. My daughter is obsessed with the silly season and is always trying to get me to be more festive (bah humbug!), so in her honour, I thought I’d have a go. Feel free to play along.

What is your favourite Christmas film?

Nativity (first one). Ever since it came out on DVD, the kids and I have watched it every Christmas Eve and sung along (badly) with all the songs. Happy family memories.


Have you ever had a white Christmas?

Yes, but I think it was when I was in my teens. I’d love to go away for Christmas one year to somewhere really snowy.

Where do you usually spend your holiday?

On the sofa! Oh, wait, have I read that wrong? We spend Christmas day at my mum and dad’s although this year they’re coming to me (eek).

What is your favourite Christmas song?

I’m sorry to be a Grinch on this point, but I don’t like any Christmas songs. I used to like a bit of Michael Buble, but since doing the Christmas market last year where they had his festive CD on REPEAT for 24 days, I just can’t cope ha ha.

Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

How is this possible? Santa doesn’t come until the middle of the night! #JustSaying.

No, the only thing we have are new pyjamas – something I started when my kids were in baby grows and still do now they’re 20, 17, and 16!

Can you name all of Santa’s Reindeer?

Err, my daughter can. Hang on, let me think: Rudolf, Dancer, Prancer, Blitzen… that’s all I can remember.

What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?

We used to drive up to see family in Leeds every year the day after Boxing Day, but as the family expanded it wasn’t as easy to do – I miss that. Other than that we don’t have any traditions to speak of – unless you count the annual visit to A&E if my dad comes off his bike!!

Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

Fake. If I had my way, it would also be one of those pop up and plug in ones!

What is your all-time favourite holiday food/sweet treat?

The first thing that popped into my head when reading this question was pate on hot buttery toast! I only ever have this at Christmas and love it.

Be honest: Do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts?

100% giving gifts. I love seeing people’s reactions to their presents and the smile on their face when they get what they wanted.

What is the best Christmas gift you ever received?

Wow, hard one. My eldest son bought me my Amazon Fire Stick a few years ago which meant I had Netflix – yep, that’s probably the best one ha ha.

What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?


Sam H

Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?

I’ve been known to go overboard with the cellotape on occasion!

Most memorable holiday moment?

Putting on a ‘show’ for the family when I was very young with my brother and cousins.

What made you realise the truth about Santa?

What truth? What are you talking about? I don’t understand the question!

Do you make New Year Resolutions? Do you stick to them?

I built my entire writing career around New Year Resolutions, so they are very important to me, although these days I tend not to be so strict with myself and use them as guidelines. 90% of the time I will stick to them if I’m deep down honestly committed to the goal.

What makes the holidays special to you?

No matter how big my kids are they still wake up at stupid o’clock on Christmas morning and pile into bed with me full of life and giggling like toddlers. They then send me downstairs to see if ‘he’s been’ and the looks on their faces makes me laugh every time. It’s such a simple and silly thing, but I love it.

What do you wish for this Christmas?

That all my family and friends near or far have a safe, happy, and healthy Christmas.

As I’ve been a good girl this year can I ask for a second wish – that the world, in general, finds a way back to the light and out of all the darkness.

Favourite Christmas smell?

I’ve been tee-total for five years, but I still associate the smell of Bailey’s with Christmas.

What is the worst/weirdest gift you’ve ever received?

I’ve been very lucky and received amazing gifts over the years – no weird ones!

Favourite holiday drink?

Hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows.

Hot Choc

Have you ever spent Christmas in another country? If yes, which one(s)?

Nope, but one day I’d like to spend Christmas in a log cabin somewhere magical.

What place or landmark in your town do you love during Christmas?

I now realise I live in the most boring town in England.

Where you naughty or nice this year? You know that Santa is watching!!

Nice, yep, definitely nice. Oh, apart from that time when… and when I did that thing… and then there’s that other thing. I might have to rethink my answer!

Do you own/wear a Christmas jumper?

I’m not a fan of the Christmas jumper phenomenon, but when the occasion arises then I’ve been known to join in!

Xmas Jumper

Thanks for reading my Christmas Tag!  If you’d like to do your own make sure you link back to me so that I can read them.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy 2019.

Shelley xxx

9 thoughts on “Christmas Tag #Festive #Fun”

  1. Ah that pullover. It’s not the wearing but the capture on film isn’t it! Still good to see. And what is it with grown kids and our bed. They’re huge and ludicrously excited over Christmas treats after he’s been. Though these days Santa gets a bit fractious waitng for them getting back from the annual school reunion at the Florence and off to bed… sometimes past 1!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great answers. We still do the jump into bed with mum and dad thing in our house then the DH goes down to bring up the stockings. This year our son’s partner is coming for Christmas for the first time. I asked if he thought we should open stockings downstairs and he said, ‘No, why would we?’ Oh, and you’d be made very welcome if you visit Scotland.

    Liked by 1 person

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