Blogging, Inspirational, mind body spirit, Social Media, Wellbeing

Why We Need a Time Out #Health #Wellbeing

Self sabotage imageMy regular blog readers may remember me talking about my illness a few years ago and the subsequent fallout of this. In short, I got a viral infection from a bug bite which has now escalated into an autoimmune disease. I’ve been in constant pain for the last three years. The neurological surgeon wanted to put me on a nasty drug for the rest of my life. However, coming from a holistic background, I understood this was only masking the problem and not solving it. So, in true British style I ‘just got on with it.’

The pain has been mostly manageable, and the other symptoms come and go, so I’ve been able to cope for the most part. However, being in constant pain is a huge drain on your body, mind, and soul.

After listening to nutritional expert, Andrea Bayles at a recent personal development event I booked a session with her in the hope that she could point me in the right direction from a nutritional point of view.

We all know that saying ‘you are what you eat’ and if I’m one-hundred percent honest with myself I’ve let my healthy eating routine slip.

I knew it was going to be tough to take out all the bad stuff I eat, but if I could make a difference to how I feel on a day to day basis and not be in so much pain, or feel like I have constant brain fog, then it would be worth it.

Time and space were needed for me to read through the plan and to prepare both mentally and physically. I cleared my cupboards and fridge, bought the produce on my food lists, and prepared my meal planner.

health 1The first few days were quite good. Andrea has put me on an elimination diet to help us see if there’s a specific food group that is exasperating my symptoms. That means no dairy, red meat, wheat, gluten, or soy products.

I’m nearly at the end of the first week, and the pain I’m in is horrific. I’ve got the mother of all headaches and my neck, shoulders, lower back and legs are in agony. The hardest thing is to push through, but I know that once the toxins are out of my system, I’ll start to feel better.

Andrea recommended having regular Epsom salt baths which I’ve been doing, as well as drinking as much water as possible.

I know the pain is necessary and it also tells me how much my unhealthy diet has affected my body. Sticking to it is going to be a challenge but I know I’ve got to keep going.

There are plus points of course. I’ve lost weight, and I already feel a bit clearer in the head. The downside is how uncomfortable I am all day, and dealing with the pain. Sitting at my computer is difficult, so I decided to back off from social media for a short while. I’m doing the minimum amount of work in small chunks of time, and that seems to be manageable.

I’m still smiling, but there might be a slight wince in that smile too. Fingers crossed I’ll be through the worst of this soon, and then I’ll be bouncing around social media and back to my old self – or rather my new self!

So, if you notice I’m MIA don’t worry, I’m still watching from the wings and trying to catch up with my favourite bloggers and authors as often as I can. Regular retweeting, liking, commenting, and sharing will hopefully resume soon.

In the meantime, I hope you take a moment after reading this to think about your own lifestyle, and how much time you allow yourself to kick back and step away from the technology. We all need to switch off regularly and check that we aren’t just operating on autopilot. Are you looking after your needs?

Take time out this week and enjoy yourself, and I’ll see you all on the flip side.

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74 thoughts on “Why We Need a Time Out #Health #Wellbeing”

  1. Living with someone who deals with chronic pain on a daily basis I know how pain effects people. The Squire is having a bad week and needs rest. Most weeks it is manageable! So your post resonated with me this week. Kia Kaha Shelley, good to see you have positive strategies to put in place.

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  2. I thought I hadn’t seen you on Twitter much. I know how hard pain can be, and how frustrating it is when you can’t even get comfy. Thinking of you and I hope things improve soon for you. Looking forward to seeing how the elimination diet goes xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Ali. I seem to get worse as the day goes on so by teatime I’m in agony. I read an interesting article about the symptoms of detoxification. Unfortunately I seem to have them all!! Oh well, the results will be worth it – I hope! Xx


  3. Oh good for you Shelley! It sounds like you’re tackling things head on. I’ve been thinking I should be more proactive in tackling my pain instead of just battling on. Sometimes that almost feels like the easier option, but in the long it’s not. Have you heard of the Lightning Process? I’ve been seriously considering this. Anyway, if I do invest in this I think I’ll take a social media/blog break too so I can fully put everything into it. So you’ve done right, Shelley. My comment seems to be mainly about me ha, but it’s your excellent post that has made me think, so thank you xx

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  4. I’m working on the very same things, Shelley, if only to get back to taking better care of myself. I annually get back to simpler things and this year I’m adding the technology aspect because social media is so overwhelming right now despite its many pluses. I hope you are soon through the thick of things and feeling better!

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  5. I am sorry to hear about your pain! You’re a blogger I really adore reading and although I’d miss you on social media, I do think you’re doing the right thing by taking care of yourself first. Please do all that you need to reduce the pain. Wishing you lots of love and healthy vibes.

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    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Shailaja ❤️ I’m starting to feel more like myself each day so hopefully I’ll push through the pain soon. It’s amazed me how much damage I’ve done to my body by eating so unhealthily. A lesson in self care! X


  6. I am a firm believer that food should be your medicine ( so to speak) I sincerely hope that once you are through the transition period that you see a huge difference….Wishing you well Shelley 🙂

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  7. Shellster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((hugs))) Am going somewhat down the same path, as have refused hormone blocking tabs with horrific side effects after radiotherapy and am pursuing food options. Huge*respect* to you. It is all too easy to grab the tab and then live yourlife under a chemical cosh! xxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hope you fully recover soon, Shelley, on the path that you are in….drinking lukewarm water twice daily in morning and night can give lots of good things to the body and help it get relief from many ailments and chronic pains…..I drink warm water religiously twice daily, and it keeps me refreshed……take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Anindya. I’m a huge water fan so that’s no problem. I have warm water and lemon every morning then guzzle about 4 litres of water throughout the day. Just need to sort the rest of me out now!


  9. I’ve been in a similar position. I was diagnosed with acute Leukaemia in 2015 which meant aggressive highly toxic treatment leaving me with nasty long term after effects including pain and chronic fatigue. I found that after getting the help of a traditionalist I was eating very healthily, cut out must sugar, drank lots of water, cooked from scratch and it made a massive difference. Before this I was sceptical that diet would make such a difference but it actually did. Sadly since xmas I’ve been ‘off the wagon’ and I know it! Just thought I’d share my experience with you. Have the epsom salts been helping?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s so easy to fall off that wagon isn’t it! I’m trying to put steps in place to keep me on track for a lifetime change not just a season (which is my usual!). The Epsom salt baths are lovely although I’m suffering with awful nausea at the moment and it seemed to make that worse. My muscles and aches felt better and I slept last night which I haven’t done for about a year! I hope you find your way back to good health too xx


  10. Hoping and praying that you find some relief soon. I was diagnosed with Celiac disease a few years ago, and the recovery took a very long time – my body needed to heal. After three years of eating gluten-free I finally feel like my old self again, but in that time I had a lot of pain too – headaches, stomach pain, chest pain, back pain, etc. I was miserable. My hope is that you find what works for you so that you can start healing too. Hugs! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sorry to hear you had to go through that, but I’m glad there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I was expecting some reaction but wasn’t prepared for it to be this severe! Like you, I sincerely hope I get to feel like my old self again. I feel like I’ve lived in a fog for the past three years. It will be great to get my mojo back and I’ve discovered some delicious gluten-free recipes! X

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  11. Hope this new diet helps you Shelley. I assumed you were busy with your writing and just didn’t have time for usual sharing of social media. You’re right to put your health first though – it’s gotta be done! Sorry to hear you’re in so much pain! Big hugs x x x x

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  12. Really hope you’re on the road to recovery. I do know how important it is to put your health first, I had a light bulb moment just a few years ago when I discovered what stress was. A step back and so much happier now 🙂 Good luck with your road to recovery x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you x it’s a shame we need those light bulb moments to kick us into action. I certainly wish I’d had the knowledge to live a healthy balanced life from the start – something I’m hoping to teach my children as I travel this path 😊

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  13. I hope this is working for you and that you’re feeling better soon. What a nightmare, though. I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through all this. But I admire your attitude and optimistic spirit. You’re a hero!

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